About Tove’s Australian Labradoodles
We are a small family breeder specializing in
Multigenerational Australian Labradoodles.
We are located in Turku, Finland. We have three Australian Labradoodles that live in our home. Our puppies raised in our home, middle of our everyday life, not kennel. We believe 1–8 weeks experienses have a lifelong impact of the puppy’s nature.We are a registered Australian Labradoodle breeder with the ALAA. All of our breeding dogs come from quality lines with excellent pedigrees. We do extensive health testing (eyes, hips, elbows, patellas, DNA-tests (vWD, DM, EIC, IC and PRA) on all of our breeding dogs. We are also member of Finnish Australian Labradoodle Association.
Our breeding dogs are DNA Profiled. All of our breeding dogs have been DNA’d and their DNA profiles have been submitted to the ALAA. This has been done to protect the buyer and support parentage identification. We are proud to be an ALAA/DNA breeder.
First-class care for the pampered peT
our grooming salon offers coat care, grooming services and courses
Our grooming Salon is located in Raisio, Finland. Please see our Grooming Salon website here. We specialize in doodles, and organize grooming courses; coat care, grooming tools, grooming methods, puppy training, and exercise for joyfully productive grooming.
We believe dog grooming can be as relaxing and beautifying spa day. We implement force-free dog training, and we help build a strong bond and understanding between dog and care provider, to make grooming a happy experience, comfort and safety.
The Most adorable, Family-Friendly Australian Labradoodle Puppies!
We breed happy and healthy Australian Labradoodles with wavy fleece coats in medium sizes. Raising the litters at home allows us to know each puppy’s unique personality while ensuring everyone gets the individual attention they deserve. Our Labradoodles have one-on-one personal time, including socialization with children, adults and other dogs.
Our dogs bring us so much joy and happiness. We hope that our puppy families will find much joy in the puppies that we raise.
The purchase of a Tove’s puppy includes:
- ALAA Registration Certificate
- Microchipping
- Vet Health Check Certificate, worming
- Two-year health warranty
- Weekly photos or video and email up
dates of your puppy as it grows.
- Puppy Kit (puppy food, blanket, toy etc…)
- Ongoing support from Tove’s Labradoodles throughout the life of your puppy.
- Grooming guide
- Tove’s puppy care website (nutrition, puppy exercise, healtcare, training etc.)
- Tove’s Puppycare -book
Thank you for your interest in our Australian Labradoodles. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Australian labradoodle Information
You find here information about Australian Labradoodle breed.
Labradoodles are very gentle, social, very easy to train. Lovely companion with a fantastic teddy bear look. Because of their intelligence and desire of pleasure, they are excellent therapeutic and assistive dogs and family members.
The roots of Australian Labradoodle’s history are in the 1970s when Wally Conran Royal want allergy and asthma friendly dog breed with the characteristics of the guide dog.
The breed’s breeding work was continued in Australia and Labradoodle was defined as a breeding target line for obtaining the right structure, coat and nature of the breed.
Good to know
The Australian labradoodle is often mixed with a poodle and Labrador puppy, they usually also called ”labradoodles.” It causes confusion. Australian Labradoodle is not the same thing.
Careful breeding and breeding work has been done to ensure the Australian Labradoodle temperament and health since 1970. When looking for new family members for yourself /family I recommend doing a thorough background work. If the dog is inexpensive, it is probably a cheap for a reason. All labradoodles are not the same. It is therefore important that you first come to know and be assured that you will get what you are acquiring. It takes time but gives you a healthy and happy Australian labradoodle.
What are labradoodle sizes?
”Standart” 53-63 cm. Weight 20 kg – 28 kg.
”Medium” 43-53 cm. Weight 13 kg to 20 kg.
”Mini” 35-43 cm. Weight 7 kg to 13 kg.
Australian Labradoodle Coat
The maintenance of the coat takes a lot of time and resources throughout the life of the dog. Coat grows in length and requires constant care, cutting and brushing. Taking care of coat it will give you and your furry friend a lot of common moments. Beautiful and well-made coat makes the dog feel comfortable and collects many adorable glances.
Fleece coat is very soft. Fleece coat can be a ”wavy”, straight or curved spiral. Fleece coat is wool turkey easier to care for.The wool or wool is more like a sheepskin-like curly or spiral. Wool coat is Fleece Turkey’s coarser than felt.
Australian labradoodle coat care
Puppy coat is very easy to care it is also good to make little grooming, so the puppy gets used to the coat grooming. We give a small trimming course for our puppy family who get good tips for home-made care and grooming.
The first challenging time for Turkish treatment is when the coat changes about 8 months to 1 year when you notice the first coats appear. Then more often the coat treatment is needed to avoid tangling. The turkey is kept clean and clear. Dirty coat makes it cheaper.
Depending on the coat quality, the coat needs to comb 2-5 times a month all the way down to the bottom. Always hair up to the skin, otherwise matted may be missed. The comb removes the matted coat and effectively collects the dead hair. Karsta does not hurt the dog’s skin and coat. Be allways gentle! If the coat is badly damaged, it may be easier to cut the scissors out of the coat. Coat will grow back quickly. It is also important, therefore, to keep the fur clean.
Labradoodle coat can also be shorter, so the coat will be easier to treat. In fact, I use the Oster A5 trimmer. It is worth investing in a good trimmer, the cheap machines / blades do not cut the fine hair very well. In fact I do not recommend a very short coat (less than 2,5 cm). Coat protects the dog’s skin from the sun, for example.
Always remember to comb, open mats, wash and dry labradoodle before trimming. Washing the coat is tightening the matt and it is very difficult to comb out. Dirt coat quickly dulls the blade.
Start trimming from the most sensitive places (the back, the stomach, ears) as the trimmer warms up when using.
Since the labradoodle has to be trimmed regularly, it is good to teach the puppy from small to stand on the grooming table. Be careful not to drop the puppy. Also, do not let the adult dog jump off the table, the dog should be picked up and removed from the table.
Small trimming needs to be done regularly to keep the bottom of the paws and the put area clean. The puppy must practice several times during the first few months of nail clipping, coat, teeth and ears care. If the puppy is restless during the activities, it is necessary to practice more often. If you can not handle the fur coat with the puppy Please contact the breeder or your experienced trimmer quickly.
Washing a labradoodle
Labradoodle coat needs to be comb coat before washing. Always remember to dilute the shampoo for washing, the ”raw” shampoo takes coat fat.
Why not single-coat should be trimmed too short?
One-legged labradoodle coatshould be cut regularly, but it should not be too short. The best way would be to cut or a trimmerd and leaving coat a bit longer. Too short coat can have negative effects on dog health.
If the labradoodle single coat is run too short it should be avoided in sunshine, cold and coolness as well.
Trimming guide ”Teddybear”
– Tail may be longer than 10-15 cm.
– The other section can be cut about 3-6 cm.
– Ears almost in the shape of ear. Leave the eyebrow. Leave longer hair on the ears. Not recommended for long spaniel style (hygiene).
– Top coat length 5 to 10 cm.
– Cut over the eyes, leaving a length of about 5 cm. Please don’t cut the eyelashes, they protect the eyes.
– The muzzle is cut into a teddy-bear-like ”circle”.
– Leave ”doodleboots” (not as short as a poodle).
If you do not cut coat yourself, you can display a picture as a model for a trimmer.
What is a therapy dog?
The purpose of a therapist is to bring people a joy and happyness for their days. The therapy dog and the owner are visiting peoples home.
Where do the therapy dogs go?
nursing homes, hospitals and children’s homes to meet people. Terapy dogs give people’s love, joyfull and happynes. Scientific studies have shown that interaction between pet and humans helps relieve depression, reduce blood pressure, and increase feelings of well-being. In addition, dogs get people to smile, laugh and forget about the possible sorrow for a while.
Where is Terapist Training organized?
Dogs with friendly and peaceful character can be used as therapeutic dogs. Dogs go through the tests of a therapeutic dog and the dogs who are suitable for the task are trained in therapy dogs. Terapist training is organized by, for example, Ketteliini, some vocational schools, open universities and training centers offer animal assisted coaching, and the Kennel Club.
Health examinations
We do extensive health testing; eyes, hips and elbows (OFA, BVA), patellas, DNA-tests (vWD, DM, EIC, IC and PRA) on all of our breeding dogs.
More info about genetics tests:
Clear: healthy
Carrier: carrier
Clear by parentage: Good on the basis of the parent test results.
Clear does not infect the disease. Carrier is a healthy dog that inherits a disease but is not itself ill.
DNA profiling is manufactured by Van Haering’s laboratory or DDC DNA Diagnostics Cente. Our dogs is DNA profiled by Paw Print Genetics.
DNA tests for genetic diseases (genetic tests)
PRA Progressive Retinal Atrophy is a hereditary retinitis that leads to blindness.
EIC Exercise Induced Collapse syndrome, reduced stress capacity. Generally retiring.
DM Degenerative myelopathy (spinal cord).
vWD Von Willebrand’s disease is the most common of pernicious haemorrhagic diseases.
Official hips and elbows: X-rays investigate possible growth of the hip and elbow joints.
Official knee examination.
Official eye examination. The eye examination is provided by a veterinary surgeon who has ECVO special examination.
How to identify a responsible breeder?
Everyone wants to choose a good breeder, but how do you know that a breeder complies with the ethical rules and breed requirements for breeding? The good experience of the other buyer alone is not enough to tell the reality behind the breeder’s work. Here are some of the things you can to find a good responsible Australian labradoodle breeder.
Does the breeder include the Australian labradoodle breeders’ association and register a litter? Organizations that oversee breeding and breeding include: ALAEU, MDBA, ALAA, ALA and ALCA.
Are breeding dog health checked?
All Australian labradoodles used for breeding purposes must be made the required health tests (hips, eyes, knees and DNA tests).
- Please fill out and send in our Adoption Application Form.
- Once we receive your application, we will review it and get back to you.
- We like to meet you and we hope you come to visit.
- Puppy deposit can be paid.
- We will email you when your puppy is born, and let you know what to expect in the weeks to come.
- The final payment is required when the puppy is 6 weeks old.
- At 6 weeks, we will have a ’Meet the Puppies’ Day. We signed the contract.
- When the puppies are 8-9 weeks old they are ready to leave us.
The purchase of a Tove’s puppy includes:
- Pedigree
- Sterlization of your puppy
Vet Health Check Certificate
- Sterlization/castration of your puppy
Two-year health warranty
Weekly photos or video and email updates of your puppy as it grows.
Puppy Kit (puppy food, toy etc…)
Ongoing support from Tove’s Labradoodles throughout the life of your puppy.
Questions? Please contact toveslabradoodles@com
Our story
My first dog was a dalmatian named Royal. This white/black haired spotted dog was a cheerful, playful, very gentle boy, and always smiling to the guests (the teeth was visible) as some of the Dalmatian do. <3
Years later we thought it would be time for dogs and small-scale breeding. Dalmatians for their gentle nature of course, wash my wish list, but because of the great hair loss they had, i have to give up on the dream. We heard of an allergy-friendly Australian Labradoodle with a really soft, cute teddy bear looking, and easy to train. We went through exploring huge amount of information about Australian labradoodles and we were in contact with breeders in Australia, England, the Netherlands and America. We asked and read the experiences of the new Ald owners on the breed and watched videos from around the world from Australian labradoodles. The more we read and saw, the more secure we were from the line of our new family member.
That’s how we ended up with the Australian labradoodle. And we have been very happy and happy about our decision. <3
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